Wednesday, May 22, 2013

R4 P2 D5-7

Things are going fantastic this round!! I'm loving how much energy I have. Yoga is a must do during this eating plan. Also, I did my first wrap yesterday. I bought bentonite clay and used it with a sauna suit. Lost 6 1/2 inches during this one session. I have enough for 3 more before my summer Cali trip in June. After I finish this round of HCG I'm going to follow it up with a second BFL round. I'm on day 73 of 90 today of this current round. I'm taking a really great vitamin this time and it really helps my hunger. I'm not really too hungry. If I feel hungry at all I eat a couple of strawberries or apples slices. I have found that it helps me to cut up my apple in the morning and keep it in the fridge in case I need a filler during the day. If I don't then I eat it before bed. The Walden Farms products are saving my booty this round. I love them. The hardest thing for me is doing without condiments. These are zero calorie and everything. The marshmallow cream with a little chocolate drizzle on strawberries is like heaven in a bowl. I'm staying between 500-600 calories each day.

Current loss this round is 6 pounds. I'm not counting the 5 pds I was up after 2 days of free eating (gorge days). That just made me feel gross. I don't eat that way ever anymore.

I'm 24 pounds away from my dream goal! Yippee!

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Last night's yoga class was hard but really awesome. I feel the muscle strengthening and lengthening happening already. I did sweat a lot. More than even in spin class or the sauna. The sweatiness helped me slid right down into almost splits. My goal is to be able to do them by June.

I woke up with quite a headache today. I realized that it is because of sugar detox. This happened a few weeks ago on the juice fast too. Ugh! It has been lingering all day. Am noticing my neck is stiff/tight today. Am headed back to yoga tonight and hope it will help.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

R4P2D3 - HCg'ing it!

I'm excited to be back on this journey. After the 10 day juice fast this will not be bad at all. This time I know all the foods I love the most and figure it is going to be much easier. Today, I cooked/prepped 8 meals of the turkey meatballs I love and made my marinara & 3 portions of cabbage & chicken soup. My goal is to stay ahead of the game to avoid hunger meltdowns and/or any cheats.

Goal - 20pds in 21 days, reduction of cellulite with the body wraps, and be ready for swimsuit season in a few weeks. After vacation for 3 weeks in June in Cali, I am going to get geared up for our 5 year honeymoon trip in August. This is the first phase and then the second phase will be in order to be one smokin' hot mama for my hubby on our trip!! Also, I ordered a book/devotional called Thin Within. It is geared to help me reset my way of thinking about food in relation to my body and the way God created it. I also began reading a book called Made to Crave last year. Going to finish it as well.

Am headed to my first "hot" yoga class tonight. It is called Surya Yoga. Hubby is coming with me. I'm really excited about it. Suppose to feel great after you sweat it out for an hour and 15 minutes. Will update how it goes.

Today's Menu

Fresh Hot Cup Lemon water with Stevia - breakfast
Pan grilled Cabbage & Onion with 6 Shrimp - lunch (cherry cola Zevia)
Sliced Apple - Snack
Grilled Chicken with romaine lettuce & Walden raspberry vinaigrette - dinner
Cinnamon Apple - Snack
Water - 96oz
Warm Cup Lemon water with Stevia & Magnesium Calm - Bedtime

Healthy Living Journey Continues in 2013

This year has been a really strong yet bumpy year for my fitness and food journey.

Jan 2013 - I started off the year down 15 pounds from a diet plan I did with my health doctor from Oct-Dec. He had me do a 7 day all protein jumpstart and then eat low carb each week. I was thanking phentermine and felt good through out the end of 2012. Also, I had started taking a ton of natural supplements in Oct to treat adrenal fatigue. I was tired of feeling sick and tired. For 2013, I decided to focus in on my no sugar/gluten/dairy diet plus I didn't like the way the phentermine made me feel at all. Natural is better for me.

Mid Jan, I came down unbelievably sick. Started off with a migraine and didn't stop there. My neck and shoulders hurt so bad and I had no energy. The doctors said it was a virus. After an ER visit and visiting a friend in the hospital diagnosised with Viral Spinal Meningitis I decided that was what I must have as well. After 4 weeks of sickness I finally began to feel stronger and stronger every day and kept taking high levels of Vit D/C and a Mulitvitamin. Getting back to my workouts and eating right was tough after a month of illness. At this point, I had gained 10 pounds (again).

February - This was a steady month of eating healthy and workouts. Was feeling good and decided to do a 90 day Body for Life Challenge. It began in March.

March - For the beginning of my 90 day BFL challenge I took front and back photos. I noticed a large bump on my back and could see it was considerably unsightly in my swimsuit. Decided to go to the doctor to have it check out. Started out strong on my challenge and kept the workouts strong. Was 40 pounds my goal weight and wanted to be ready for summer vacation in a few months. After the doctors investigated the spot on my back it was determined that I had a seemingly benign tumor. If my scar and back was to heal well before swimsuit season I had to proceed with surgery ASAP.

April - Surgery was set and happened around Easter the very end of May so recovery took place this month. It took me a couple of weeks to recover to the point where I felt like exercising other than a walk around the neighborhood. Unfortunately, I got discouraged because of this second setback of the year and this one during my 90 day challenge. This was the month I decided that happiness is not defined by anything except my faith and mindset. My mentor group began gearing up for a juice fast and I decided to jump in on the 10 day juice only cleanse for a reset towards my ultimate goal. It was invigorating! My hubby did it with me. I was able to keep my fitness level up the whole time. Bummer thing is the week after it ended I put 5 of the 10 pounds lost on it back on immediately. I didn't do it to lose weight though. I did it to reset. The results was glowing skin and I felt fantastic!
May -  It's another round of HCg living for me. We leave in June for Cali and I'm not where I wanted to be. I'm going all out, full force for 4 weeks. My intensity includes hydrotherapy colonics, home body wraps with benetonite clay, yoga, light weight & cardio workouts, & 21 days of HCg. I bought my injections through I learned of it through Gutless in Seattle and went though his site for a discount. I'm anxious to see how this round goes!!!