This morning I went to for an hour walk with a friend and then went to sit in the sauna. Decided to start tanning again today. I don't know if it has anything to do with the HCG but I am breaking out really bad. Hopefully, tanning and sauna will clear that right up.
Here is week 2 menu. Keep in mind all of my recipes are HCG Phase 2 authorized and most of them found at:

My mom decided the HCG diet protocol is not for her after 9 days. Dad is wavering on whether he will continue or not. He said something that was key to being able to complete an extreme diet like this. In reference to me he said, "When you put your mind to something nothing stops you."
That is the truth! Motivation is key. You have to know, that you know, that you know, that this is what you want to do and let nothing stop you from finishing what you set out to do. Like right now, my family has all heated up their orange chicken take out Chinese and fried rice. The smell is killing me!! I'm not going to go in the kitchen until they are finished, it is all packed up and the smell is gone. Good thing I have spray to cover it up. (lol)
Determination is what pushes the completion of the goal your motivated to achieve. I'm determined, motivated and successful!!
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