I forgot to blog the last few days. I've been fighting a cold and experiencing TOM. Between those things and doing the discipline of the HCG diet I've been pushing myself to accomplish everything. Here are my weight loss results to date.
D23 -.2
D24 -1.6
D25 -.4
D26 -.4
D27 -1.6
Total of -4.2 This brings me to a total of 22.0 lost. I have 13 more injections to go and 16 more days of 500 calories. I can't wait to get to eat cheese again!! Because I was having such a slow few days I researched online and did start eating 3 macadamia nuts each day from day 22-26. Yesterday, I skipped the them and then had a big drop this morning. I've eaten only authorized foods every day with no cheating on anything. I am doing the ACV tonic before each meal now too. I also went back to cycle and sitting 15 min in the sauna yesterday and am off TOM as of this morning. YAY! I had really hoped to lose a pound a day through this round but it hasn't happened. I'm grateful for what I have lost though. Dreaming big if I could just have 10 more pounds off though I would be so happy. Can't wait to get on Phase 3 and start weight lifting and turning myself into a lean mean fighting machine!
What's up with the macademia nuts? What did you read about them online?