Focus on your goals and what you really want. When you focus on something it really does create a bubble of determination and dedication around you towards what your working towards. Working out is often a catch 22 situation. People are tired and don't feel like working out but when you work out it gives more energy and stamina. Ironic how that works. It is about baby steps until you can at least walk and/or run your way into more fitness. I think back to where I started from and am amazed that I have the drive and stamina I do now have in the gym. This morning when I was doing the bench chest press I was thinking how I use to not even be able to lift the bar a couple of times by myself. It is nice to see progress and yet have a goal your headed towards.
I added in my cardio to training today. It was chest/tri/abs day. I did three exercises for each muscle group. My training is in pyramid style which means I start low for 12 reps and build up weight but end up at 6 reps on the heaviest weight. Today, I began ending each with 12 reps at a light weight. My plan is to mix up my workouts and keep muscle confusion going since that is suppose to assist in progress rather than plateau. Since it took 70 min to get through training and my hubby had to get work I came home and cycled the neighborhood for 20 min. Adding in cardio on training day is tough but I'm focused on doing it in order to see greater progress.
Just a bit of encouragement for you....NEVER, EVER, EVER, GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS! You can make your focus fun whether it is fitness or whatever your working towards. One day at a time eventually will create a lifetime!
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