Raise your hand if you LOVE food! ✋✋✋✋ Listen ya'll, I grew up in the Midwest Southerny feel part of Oklahoma. On the dinner table was fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy and corn with hot rolls. Breakfast was my Mom's yummy homeade biscuits with chocolate gravy and breakfast gravy with cheesy scrambled eggs. And midday was sure to be white bread sandwiches with potato chips and french onion dip or something of the like (special days was ALL the ceaser's pizza with ranch dressing)! This diet was the norm for me. I knew nothing different. And, I loved it. I learned early to love eating high sugar, low nutrition, high carb, high (bad) fat foods. In all honesty, nobody except weirdo ate much different where I grew up.
Don't get me wrong, growing up I dieted. I tried Weight Watcher over summers with my Mom. I even remember my friend and I attempting a baby food diet (the calories are much lower when you only eat tiny jars of baby food.) 😕😄 Ok, and Adkins, and starving myself, and I even took something to make me throw up a couple of times. My psyche really wanted to stay focused on being healthy and rejected the tradition eating disorder attempts, thanks to God's hand of mercy. Although, my food addiction grew with lightening speed. 😈 Enter earlier adulthood and a car accident that put me in a hospital bed for 3 months and weight gain beginning to flare its unhealthy head at the age of 18. Hey, the first thing I asked for when I was opening my eyes from the coma was mint chocolate chip ice cream and a dr pepper. Priorities! Priorities! lol
Over the years, there really is not any diet or way of eating untapped by Your Chubby-Thinking Highness. Everything from prescription pills to 500 calories and injecting myself with hormones. I've done it. I've spend 3-4 hours in the gym 6 days a week in the past which doing the Body for Life program. 💥 I've seen results but always gained it back and maybe and extra 5-10 along the way. So, I get ya, do you get me?!
During the journey, my goal is to fuel myself with foods that balance my health. On the last blog post I shared a few items I'm working through. Breast Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, High Blood Pressure, Stroke, and more all run in my family. 👎I've seen diseases on both sides. I want to break the mold of my family heritage. I want to teach my family there is a different way. My desire isn't only based on weight loss but health. Surely, the last half of my life will be even more vibrant and laced with healthy days than ever before in years past.
Most of the recipes I have been playing with are ones I find on the www. and adapt to our likes, tastes, and what is in my pantry. In order to play the healthier food game it is essential to do a pantry overhaul and buy items that seem super weird. But, trust the process. I'm learning to recreate some of the favs in the house with ALL the healthier options. If this is going to be a lifestyle, and it is, then my husband must have bread. I've deprived myself of the luxury of soft and fluffy bread for years. Who am I kidding.....I have deprived and then gone to Olive Garden and eaten a whole basket of warm buttery bread sticks because .....YOLO! 😛 Because, although my body had a major inflammatory reaction to gluten I have given into my flesh instead of stayed under spirit control.
As I go, I will share ways I'm setting up my mind, soul, spirit, pantry, and taste buds for success. Because, I know well that we only live once and how we live will either be in a mindset of prosperity and health or lackadazy living and illness. Bon Appetit Foodie Pattottees! 😍
Time to plan my menu for this week! Meal Prep Sunday sets me up for success.
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