Monday, October 25, 2010

HCG - R1P2D 20-23 Staying on Track

Life has been so busy!! Last week, I decided to go to karaoke with friends and had a late night. It was followed by a crazy early morning work day and then a costume party Friday night. I know why I need to complete this HCG protocol for as long as possible, probably even the full 40 days maximim. Old habits die hard! I had a slip up this weekend. I knew that Friday night's party might throw me and it really messed me up. 3 pound gain mess up!! I didn't eat on plan Friday night or Saturday night. I was so bummed about Friday night that I didn't eat all day Saturday and by dinner I felt awful. The family was eating Taco Buenu and I gave in and had it to. UGH! I felt awful when I woke up the next morning. It was not worth it at all! I got mostly back on track for day 23 with my eating. I did have a few bites I shouldn't have has at lunch when the fam was eating Italian at Carraba's. I ate my chicken and salad but did sneak in one piece of bread and I was up and out of the house early for church and forgot my injection. Ugh! Surprisingly, I wasn't starving or anything throughout the day yet my two days of messing up lowered my will power and I still ate something off limits. I finished off day 23 with a lettuce only salad. Even though I was ate acting class and we were having a b-day party I skipped the lasanga, potato balls, and dessert. Temptation are so hard to overcome!!! I finished off the weekend with success!

Today, I'm getting back on track with my water too. Yesterday, I was really off and only drank about 20 of the 100oz I've been downing everyday. That may be why I am showing 3 pds on the scale (water retention).

The great thing is there is always an opportunity for a new start! I'm down 19 pounds in 23 days and excited about what the next 16 days will do for me! I'm shooting for another 20! No more mess-ups for me! I have a goal and am die hard! Bring it on!